Hoodia - Use Nature's Power to Fight Obesity

Hoodia Gordonii, a natural substance, is reported to have powerful appetite suppresant properties. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2004, Hoodia has been drawing much attention as a possible weapon in the war against obesity. This blog will explore the science and studies behind these claims,what Hoodia is, where it comes from, how it is taken and tolerated, the expected results, and discuss Hoodia product buying tips.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This video is a very sad but true depiction of the obesity problem in America. If the grotesque-appearing people aren't enough to make me drive right by rather than drive through the next McDonald's that I see, just thinking about the messages shown and considering the many health problems that await me if I don't get this problem under control will strengthen my resolve to stick to this and make some permanent lifestyle changes. By the way, did you notice that all of these morbidly obese people were actually smiling? I wonder what they have to smile about...


I almost forgot to post this week's progress report! As of Monday morning, I had lost an additional 2.9 pounds, making the total 11.9 pounds since I began taking the Hoodia 2 weeks ago. I could have done better; I've been a little bit lazy about exercising this past week. I seem to be spending too much time sitting on my over-sized butt at this computer! My new plan is to get at the treadmill early in the day, before I get involved with other things. We'll see how that works out.

I'm still taking the same dose of Hoodia, and have had no problems with it, other than I am still feeling really thirsty. So far it seems like a winning strategy for me. I can't wait to be able to upload pictures of my "fat jeans", but I have to shrink out of them first! Besides, the sight of them would be too scary right now; I would rather wait to show them alongside of the normal size jeans that I will someday be wearing!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


If you have a lot of weight to lose, it is easy to get discouraged, and you may feel overwhelmed. Remember, your weight is just a number on the scale; your weight is relative. It can go up or it can go down; the direction it goes is totally up to you. Try looking at your weight loss as a journey or a process, and plan to enjoy and learn from each step along the way.

The first step in your journey is the decision that you are going to do this, once and for all. You are going to successfully change your lifestyle, follow a healthy diet and exercise program, and you are going to lose weight. This is the commitment that you have made to yourself.

The process, or the journey, is the more difficult part. This is where you have to take each day as it comes. Plan your meals and shop accordingly, and plan time for exercise. Do not let yourself fall into the habit of making excuses for not eating right or for not exercising; how can you possibly be "too busy" for yourself?

There will be times when you think that you're not losing weight fast enough, or that you still look "fat" or that your clothes are not fitting any better than they did last week. Be patient; you did not gain weight overnight, and you surely won't lose it overnight. Take time to re-focus, re-establish your goals and commitment, and press on. You will get there if you stay committed. Head for the treadmill instead of the refrigerator when you get discouraged!

Friday, December 15, 2006


This blog is intended to provide the information that people need to decide whether or not Hoodia Gordonii is the right weight loss aid for them, as well as to educate them about the product itself and how to purchase the right product that will provide good results.

I have done extensive research and reading about Hoodia Gordonii and how to purchase a pure product versus one of the many fake and ineffective products being sold in the marketplace. I have shared my findings and impressions in order to help people to make the best decisions so that they get the results that they are looking for. As a result of my research, I have found only a handful (4-5 companies) of companies who I feel are selling pure, unadulterated Hoodia Gordonii. I chose the Desert Burn brand, and I am extremely satisfied with the appetite suppressing effects that I am getting; in fact, I started out as somewhat skeptical, and I am very amazed by this. The Desert Burn product can be viewed and purchased through the banner links which appear at the top of each post in this blog.

In addition to being satisfied with the results I am experiencing and being confident that I am purchasing the real Hoodia, I have found that this company is good to deal with. They answer questions posed to them through e-mail quickly and accurately, their prices are fair and they offer some discount for purchasing multiple bottles at once (remember, pure Hoodia will not be cheap, and there is no such thing as a "discount" Hoodia product), the ordering process is easy and efficient, and the shipping is quick. I have not had to deal with returns or exchanges myself, but based on the quality I have experienced so far, I would guess that they would be efficient with that process, as well. In addition, their website offers a lot of great information, including testimonials, articles, news re-prints, and current, up-to-date information about Hoodia and the emerging issues about Hoodia.

If you notice, there are advertisements on this site for several different Hoodia brands (in the form of Google Ads). These ads are chosen and displayed by Google as being appropriate for this site. I have not chosen these ads, and they are not necessarily products which I would recommend. However, I encourage you to investigate them and do your research before buying any brand of Hoodia; an educated consumer is the best customer for any company. Just remember that there are no real "bargains" when it comes to Hoodia; it is a rare and expensive supplement, and in this case you definitely get what you pay for.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Some people try Hoodia and complain that it doesn't work. I've read countless comments on different message boards on the Internet from people saying things such as "Hoodia is useless", "Hoodia is a hoax and it doesn't work", and "Hoodia is garbage- a waste of money, don't buy it".
Chances are, these people are not taking 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii; they have most likely purchased one of the many impure, fake Hoodia products that are being marketed and sold as Hoodia.

Hopefully, you have researched Hoodia thoroughly and have spent the money to get the pure product; only pure Hoodia will have the appetite suppressing effects. Unless you are taking 100% pure Hoodia, you will not see the desired results and will end up like the many people who are saying that Hoodia does not work. So, if your Hoodia is not working for you, the first thing to do is to re-read some of my previous articles and be sure that the product you have chosen is pure Hoodia. The product that I am taking, Desert Burn Hoodia, is definitely having a very good appetite-suppressing effect. This brand of Hoodia has consistently been one of the top-rated products on the market, according to the research that I have done.

If you are reasonably sure that you are taking pure Hoodia, then there are a few other things that you may want to consider if you feel that it is not working:
  • Are you taking enough of the supplement? People who have the best success with Hoodia consistently take 3 grams (3000 mg.) of pure Hoodia each day; some people take more. Since Hoodia is so expensive, people tend to cut down on their dosages, trying to save money, and end up losing the appetite suppressing effects of the supplement. If you want to have good results with Hoodia, you must take it consistently, and you have to realize that it is a rare and expensive supplement. After you have experienced good results with Hoodia for a period of time, most sources suggest trying to cut down the dosage a bit; if you do this and lose the effects, you will have to increase it again; if you do OK, you will save money.
  • Hoodia Gordonii must be used in conjunction with dietary changes and an exercise program. Hoodia is not a miracle weight loss pill; it will not "melt away the pounds" while you sleep. It is not the solution to your weight problem, but it is an aid to help you follow a healthy diet and exercise program and to lose weight by suppressing your appetite and decreasing your desire to overeat.
  • You might have to experiment with the times at which you take Hoodia. Try taking it at those times of the day when you are most likely to overeat.
  • Realize that you may tend to overeat for reasons other than hunger. Before you reach for a snack, ask yourself "am I really hungry". If you are truly hungry, try eating a healthy snack. If you find that you are overeating for emotional reasons or out of boredom and are unable to stop this behaviour, you may want to get some help in dealing with emotional issues.
  • Some people have problems with absorbing and digesting the supplement in pill form. It might be helpful to try a tincture (oral solution) of pure Hoodia. Desert Burn also offers a tincture formulation.

Don't get discouraged if your weight loss seems to be "too slow". You didn't gain the excess weight overnight, and you cannot expect to lose it overnight. A slow, steady weight loss of 2-3 pounds each week is healthy and expected if you follow a reasonable diet and exercise program and incorporate Hoodia into the program to help prevent you from overeating.

Monday, December 11, 2006


I hopped out of bed this morning and went right to the scale... I am so happy to report that I have lost 9 pounds in 1 week taking Hoodia!!!!!

True, I have been very careful about what I've eaten; but the appetite suppressing effects of the Hoodia are definitely real. I have been able to stick with just my planned healthy meals, and they have filled me up. Even the thought of snacking in the evening has not occurred to me for the past several nights, which is quite unusual.

I have exercised for 30-45 minutes on the treadmill on 6 of the past 7 days.

So, I lost 9 pounds by working hard at consuming less calories and burning more calories.

Hoodia did not do it for me.
Hoodia was not or is not a miracle drug.
Hoodia did not "melt away the pounds" while I sat and ate whatever I wanted.

But Hoodia did make it a lot easier for me to eat smaller portions of healthy food and feel satisfied!!!!

As we have discovered, there are many fake Hoodia products out there; if you purchase one of these, it will not work and you will have the impression that Hoodia is all hype. I have outlined in the review of my research some good ways to help you determine whether or not you are getting the real 100% pure Hoodia. It's up to you to decide whether or not it is worth it to you to spend the money for the real thing. For me, it was worth a gamble. And I feel now that it is worth a good 3 month trial, to really give it a chance. Real 100% Hoodia is not going to be cheap; if you see an add for "discount Hoodia", walk away very quickly- it will not be real product, and it will not have a chance of working.

The product that I am taking is Desert Burn ZA 750. Click on the text link or on one of the banners to link to the site. Read all of the information posted, and notice the CITES Certificates, Alkemists Lab Certification, Testimonials, and Purity Certificates that are posted. If you are interested in Hoodia, the Desert Burn supplement meets all of the criteria identified to ensure that it is a pure and effective product.
I wanted to notice some results before I mentioned a specific product, and now I feel that the Desert Burn product does indeed suppress appetite. The Hoodia is doing its job; now I have to do my job by sticking to the diet!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Click here for a good example of where NOT to buy your Hoodia unless you want a fake product. If you notice, the company provides an article explaining what Hoodia is and how it works; this is meant to entice you into thinking that buying their product will give you the same results. But they fail to discuss the authentication process.
  • There is no CITES certificate for export
  • There is no Alkemist's Purity Certificate
  • There is no mention at all about the purity of their product

If you also notice, they advertise "discount" Hoodia, which we know just doesn't exist. Pure unadulterated Hoodia is scarce and it is expensive. That's the bottom line.

I also couldn't help but notice that this company also promotes other "miracle weight loss products" such as "thermogenic fat burners". If they don't get you with the fake Hoodia, they're determined to get you with another scam. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is fake!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Today is day #6, and I noticed last night that the Hoodia is definitely working. I nibbled on a few unsalted almonds during the day, and found that I was actually unable to finish my dinner last night (which is absolutely unheard of for me). I felt so full that I ended up wrapping up the rest of the chicken breast to have today.

Normally I would have had something a bit healthier and substantial for breakfast and lunch than nuts, but yesterday was one of those strange days when I got busy doing things that are not part of my regular routine, and it was dinner time before I knew it. The amazing thing is that I really never felt hungry.

I have had no side effects from the Hoodia at all; I feel great and have been eating sensibly and exercising on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. I have noticed that I've been extremely thirsty, which is a bit puzzling because Hoodia is reported to decrease appetite and thirst. I'll just keep drinking a lot of water, and see if this changes.

I haven't been on the scale yet; I said that I was going to weigh myself just once each week, and I'm going to stick with this. But, I can't wait until Monday to see how well I'm doing!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Only pure, authentic, unaltered Hoodia Goordonii imported from South Africa will be effective as an appetite suppressant. You need to be very careful when buying Hoodia, as many companies are selling products that contain little if any Hoodia; these products may contain fillers, other plant products, starch, inactive ingredients, or even unsafe ingredients. It is estimated that as many as 80% of the advertised Hoodia supplements do not contain pure Hoodia. There have been countless reports over the past several years of counterfeit and adulterated products being sold as pure Hoodia. This is happening because Hoodia is difficult to grow, the supply is scarce, and Hoodia is extremely expensive. If a company advertises "discount Hoodia" or their prices are very low, you can be sure that they are not selling the pure product.

Hoodia grows in the wild in the desert region of South Africa and on a small number of commercial farms in South Africa which are owned by private farmers but regulated and licensed by the government. The plants take 5-6 years to grow and mature before they can be cultivated. Hoodia is now registered as a protected species, and the governments of the South African countries where it grows have placed strict conditions and limitations on its sale and exportation. Hoodia can be collected, harvested, and sold only with a permit from CITES (the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species). CITES is an international agreement formed between governments to ensure that the harvesting and sale of wild plants and animals does not threaten their survival. The first thing to look for when considering a Hoodia supplement is a display of the CITES cerfificate on their website. If there is no certificate, the product is fake.

Be aware that some companies have gone so far as to display fake or stolen CITES certificates on their websites. An authentic certificate will clearly state who the legal exporters and importers are for the shipment; nothing on the certificate will appear to be altered or whited out and the certificate will be sized so that it is legible. When viewing the certificates, you should be able to double-click ont them in order to clearly view the fine print and the dates.

Another important thing to look for when you are considering purchasing Hoodia is a USDA Import Permit and an FDA license displayed on the website.

After export from South Africa, the next step is for the manufacturer to obtain a chemical analysis of the product and display a certificate verifying that it is pure Hoodia. Alkemists Laboratories is an independent laboratory which specializes in the authentication of natural products. Be aware that some shady companies may have submitted a sample of authentic Hoodia for analysis in order to obtain a certificate, and then proceeded to use fillers and useless ingredients during production to cut costs.

The Desert Burn brand
of Hoodia Gordonii has consistently passed the Alkemists Lab chemical analysis, and current CITES Export Certificates, USDA Import Certificates, FDA license, and Alkemists Purity Certificates are displayed on their website.

Researching Hoodia supplements is a very confusing project. When I first started out, I did a Google search for Hoodia and for Hoodia rankings. Amazingly, I found literally thousands of sites claiming that their product was the top-rated Hoodia supplement on the market. How can they all be the best, the purest, the most potent... I soon realized that these are sales and marketing sites. They provide some information which is helpful, but sales are the bottom line.

Products that are advertised as "the most popular brand of Hoodia on the market" may in fact be very high sellers, but this may not be due to its quality; it may in fact be because the product does not contain 100% pure Hoodia and is priced cheaper than most others. The price alone may be why it is selling well. After-all, doesn't everybody search for the best bargains and sales?
In the end, these inferior products will turn out to be a big waste of your money, and you will come out of the experience with the misconception that Hoodia is ineffective. Remember, only pure Hoodia will work; just a little bit is not enough! Pure Hoodia is rare and expensive; a quality product is not going to be cheap.

A reputable company will not make claims or display testimonials from customers citing results that seem like they are too good to be true. There are no miracles; the only way to lose weight is to decrease calorie intake and to increase activity and exercise. Losing weight is hard work. Hoodia is a tool that can be used to effectively decrease your appetite, allowing you to consume less calories without feeling hungry and deprived. A reputable site will encourage a balanced, healthy diet and a consistent exercise program.

Reputable companies will also have contact information for customers with questions or concerns and a clearly stated return policy.

One last website that has been helpful to me is Hoodia gordonni.co.za. This is an agency which facilitates the authentication and monitoring of Hoodia products. They issue a stamp of authenticity & Hoodia Product Registration Numbers for Hoodia gordonii products that have passed independent product reviews. Their stamp of authenticity should also be displayed by websites selling Hoodia. The site has a "Hall of Fame" and a "Hall of Shame" for the best and worst products, according to their reviews.

This is a lot of information to assimilate, and you will have to do a lot of research and reading before you make your first Hoodia purchase. As long as the hustlers can get away with it and keep making a profit, they will continue to sell fake Hoodia. You need to be more knowledgeable and smarter than they are; follow the tips discussed and take the time to find an authentic Hoodia product. Not only will you be more likely to achieve your weight loss goals, but you will end up saving money in the long run.


Today is my 4th day taking Hoodia. I have experienced no side effects or problems. I might be noticing a decrease in appetite, but I'm not sure... I don't want to be too quick to judge this either way.

I am going to increase the dose to (2)750mg capsules in the morning and (2)750mg capsules before dinner. That will give me a daily dose of 3 grams (3,000mg), which seems to be what the majority of the literature I am reading says is the best dose for suppressing the appetite. I'm also reading that it could take up to 2 weeks to notice the desired decrease in appetite, so I have to keep reminding myself to be patient. After the desired effect is obtained, many sources suggest that you try to decrease the dose and see how it goes.

At this dose, the pure Hoodia that I purchased will cost me about $100 - $120 each month. If it works, it will be well worth it, and I will continue to use the money that I would have spent on pizza, chicken wings, and junk food on the Hoodia. If it doesn't help me, it's back to the drawing board!!

I have been eating healthy all week, and have exercised every day. I want to make regular exercise a part of my life, no matter what. I have been using a lot of information about planning a healthy diet from the Mayo Clinic site.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I have researched this supplement for months, and have purchased what I am reasonably sure is 100% pure South African Hoodia Gordonii. It was amazing to me how many scam products were actually out there claiming to be "miracle weight loss aids". I will give this a fair try; I have purchased a 2 month supply of Hoodia. One thing for sure: pure Hoodia is not cheap! I'm following my own advice, and only spent what I could afford to "gamble away", should it not work for me.

I am very knowledgeable about nutrition and the healthiest diet for me, and have shopped for my food. I will start exercising 4-5 times each week on the treadmill and with weights. Hoodia's job is to help me to eat fewer calories on a consistent basis; my job is to follow my diet and to exercise.

Yesterday, I reluctantly weighed myself in the morning, and will do that once each week. I took (1) 750 mg. capsule of Hoodia before breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past 2 days. I have experienced absolutely no side effects, but have also not yet noticed any positive effects either; any decrease in the calories that I've eaten has been due to strictly planning my meals and snacks and following the food plan. Tomorrow I plan to increase the dosage, adding a second capsule at dinner time, since I do most of my overeating between 5 pm and midnight. I have read that you have to play with the timing of the doses so that it is most effective at your most difficult times.

I realize that it is going to take about 2 weeks to notice the effects of the Hoodia, and it's going to take a lot of time and hard work to lose all of this weight. If the Hoodia does what they claim, it will be just a little bit easier!!! Like I said, this is an expensive supplement: it will cost me approximately $60 per month if I take the recommended, effective dose. To put it in perspective, though, when I think of how much money I am used to spending each month on fast food, pizza, burgers, junk in the supermarket, etc. , I have to admit that for me it certainly is going to be cheaper to buy the Hoodia than the junk food!!!


Hoodia helps your weight loss efforts by suppressing appetite, causing a decreased interest in food, a longer period of feeling full after eating, and an overall feeling of wellness. Hoodia is available in capsules, concentrated liquid, powder form, and tea. The problem is that literally hundreds of Hoodia Gordonii products are now on the market, all claiming to be 100 % pure South African Hoodia. In reality, most of them are inferior or adulterated products which do not contain pure Hoodia; these inferior brands contain cellulose and other plant fillers such as aloe. In order for this supplement to be beneficial to you as a weight-loss aid, it has to be the strongest, purest, and fastest-acting authentic 100% pure South African Hoodia available. There are a lot of dishonest vendors out there, but there are ways to investigate and research the company that manufactures and distributes the product you are thinking of purchasing in order to determine if they are reputable- I which I will discuss this in a later post.

Once you have done your homework and are fairly certain that you have purchased an authentic Hoodia supplement, It's time to get started. Plan a healthy diet and exercise program first; no supplement will magically make you lose weight. You will still need to be consuming less calories by following a meal plan that includes plenty of high fiber vegetables, some fruits, small amounts of healthier fats, and lean protein such as chicken, fish, pork; you should avoid high-glycemic simple carbohydrates such as white flour, rice, pasta, potatoes, starchy vegetables, and sugar, which turn to sugar quickly in your body. Fibrous vegetables and whole wheat flours and pastas are better carbohydrate choices. Drinking sufficient amounts of water is essential, especially since the Hoodia may decrease your sensation of thirst. Lastly, you will need to incorporate some form of increased activity like aerobic training (walking, treadmill, elliptical trainer, swimming) and weight training on a consistent basis.

Hoodia Dosage: Hoodia supplements come in many different strengths, with many different recommendations for usage. Since everyone's body and metabolism is different, be aware that you might require a higher or lower dose of pure hoodia than someone else in order to experience positive results. A good "rule of thumb" is to start off "slow and low", taking no more than 1 capsule, regardless of the strength of the dose in the capsule, with a full 8-ounce glass of water twice a day, 30-60 minutes before meals. Keep a record of your dose and your body's reactions to the product, especially noting decreased appetite. The correct dosage depends on the individual; clinical evidence strongly suggests that optimal results are achieved by most people with a total daily dose of 1200mg., split into 2 or 3 doses, although doses of 3ooo mg. per day are often taken.

How Quickly Will Hoodia Work? Most people have to take Hoodia consistently for about 2 weeks before they begin to notice the positive effects, although a few people have reported feeling full after just several doses. From what I have read, it sounds that the 2 week build-up period is pretty much to be expected. The Hoodia should be taken consistently, before meals, with plenty of water. If you experience no positive results after 2 weeks, and are certain that you are taking a pure product, consider increasing the dose up to 3000 or 3500 mg. per day and see how your body responds. You have to test and test again to discover the dose and timing of the doses that will work best for you. On the other hand, if you notice a fantastic result after 2 weeks, you may consider decreasing your dose; this is a very expensive supplement, and there is no point in taking what you don't need.

Remember to keep up with your water intake, as Hoodia will also decrease the sensation of thirst. Keep up with your meal plan and exercise regimen, and keep a brief journal of your dose of Hoodia and the effects. Some people also keep a diet journal and write down everything that they eat, so that they can see their calorie consumption and snacking habits change.


This one is simple: Hoodia has no known side effects. Hoodia is not a drug; Hoodia is actually considered to be a food product in South Africa, where it grows in the wild. Hoodia is 100% natural, and has no stimulant properties. It does not cause an increase in heart rate or blood pressure; in fact, decreased blood pressure has been reported by some people. There are no reports of feeling shaky or jittery, or of insomnia.

The initial clinical studies done by Phytopharm have shown a good safety profile; further clinical trials are being done on an ongoing basis while pharmaceutical companies attempt to manufacture P57, the active ingredient in Hoodia. These studies are likely to yield more information, although there is no reason to suspect that any serious adverse reactions will occur.
There are no known drug-drug interactions with Hoodia supplements, but it is always wise to inform your healthcare provider of any vitamins, herbs, or natural products that you are taking, especially if you are also taking prescription medications. In some cases, vitamins, herbs, and natural products can interfere with the absorption and activity of prescription drugs. It is always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any diet and fitness program, especially if you have other medical conditions.

A special warning for diabetics taking Hoodia: Because Hoodia mimics the actions of glucose on the brain, and also results in a decreased intake of calories, it may be easy for diabetics to become hypoglycemic- especially if they are taking insulin or oral medications for diabetes. Diabetics must be sure to monitor their calorie intake and blood glucose levels carefully, and follow the instructions of their healthcare provider.

Hoodia seems to be a very safe supplement for anyone who wants to lose weight; however there is always the chance that someone will have some kind of reaction or adverse event when taking even the safest supplement. Be sure to inform your healthcare provider of your decision to take this product, and seek medical attention immediately if you should feel that you are having a reaction to it.

Monday, December 04, 2006


There are many known species of Hoodia, but the Gordonii species is the only one that contains the powerful all-natural appetite suppressant properties. A molecule named P57 is the active ingredient in Hoodia; it acts on the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that controls appetite and hunger) to "trick" the brain into thinking that you have already eaten and that you are full.

When you eat, food is converted into glucose (sugar), which acts on the brain to trigger the "full" feeling. The P57 in Hoodia acts in the same way, but the difference is that it is about 10,000 times more powerful than glucose is, so even small amounts of P57 can fool the brain into thinking that you have eaten and that you are full. After taking Hoodia, people have reported feeling full more quickly when eating, a delay in the time after eating before feeling hungry again, a reduced interest in food and eating, and a general feeling of well-being; and all of this is without any known unwanted side effects.

My next question, being a medical professional myself, is: Where is the proof that these claims are true? What clinical studies have been done? There is much interest in the extract P57 from several pharmaceutical companies who are trying to synthesize the appetite suppressing component of the Hoodia plant into a patentable diet drug in the future. It took the South African government 30 years to isolate and identify the active appetite-suppressing ingredient in Hoodia. In 1997, they obtained a patent and sold the rights to the patent to a British pharmaceutical company called Phytopharm. The company has completed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on overweight but otherwise healthy adult volunteers; each group was instructed to continue their normal diet and exercise routines. The study showed that Hoodia Gordonni led to a statistically significant reduction in calorie intake; on average, the group receiving Hoodia ate about 1000 calories less per day, which is enough to lose one pound of body fat every 3 to 4 days. You can read more about the research and development of Hoodia at Phytopharm's website.

Researchers at Brown University Medical School also conducted research on the effects of Hoodia on Zucker rats (special rats that are bred to be obese and diabetic for use in clinical trials). The rats that were given Hoodia lost weight, and in some cases a reversal of diabetes was seen.

Everybody that markets and sells Hoodia supplements has a page of impressive testimonials on their websites or literature. Since Hoodia is not a drug, there are no FDA regulations on the claims that can be made, and there are few sophisticated clinical studies to compare. If you start trying to shop and compare the hundreds of products claiming to be Hoodia, it can get pretty confusing; to avoid being taken in by a scam and spending a lot of money on a worthless product that does not even contain enough Hoodia to cause beneficial results, take the time to do some research first. As I said in an earlier post, I have been researching the product for a long time, and have begun to take the one that I decided to purchase. I will journal my experiences, but I'm sure that I still have a lot to learn. I am also being somewhat of a pessimist; it would be great if the claims were true, but it almost sounds too good to be true. Don't get taken in by the scams; as they say about gambling of any kind: don't spend any more money than you can afford to lose and be without.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Hoodia supplements were first introduced to the American market in 2004; since then, Hoodia has been receiving much attention from consumers and the media as a potentially powerful weapon to add to our arsenals in the war against obesity.
Hoodia has recently been featured on CBS's 60 Minutes, Oprah, and the Today Show.
Hoodia Gordonii is the botanical name for a succulent (cactus-like) plant which grows wild only in the Kalahari Desert region of southern Africa. Hoodia is a natural substance which has been used by the native Bushmen of the Kalahari for centuries to help ward off hunger and thirst during extended travels and hunting trips in the desert. The Bushmen are a tribe of hunter-gatherers who have used native plants for medicinal purposes for centuries; they have used the Hoodia Gordonii species for it's powerful appetite-suppressant and thirst-quenching properties. Hoodia has also been used to relieve abdominal pain and cramps, indigestion, and is reported to improve moods and energy levels. Other reported effects include lowering of blood pressure and improved glycemic control in diabetes.

Hoodia Gordonii is one of 20 known Hoodia species, and is the only variety of Hoodia which has the natural appetite suppressant properties. Hoodia works by "tricking" your brain into believing that you are full, even when you have only eaten a tiny bit. In addition to feelings of less hunger, there have been reports of increased feelings of "fullness", increased alertness, and improved energy levels.

Hoodia is all-natural; it is not a drug and has no stimulant properties and no known side effects.

Sounds like something that's worth investigating, doesn't it?????

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Americans alone spend approximately $40 billion on weight loss products and fad diets each year, yet none of these products seem to deliver the "magic" that they promise. The truth of the matter is this: unfortunately, there is no "magic bullet" for weight loss. If one existed, do you really think that any of us would be overweight? Let's face it, we would all be slim and fit if it were that easy.

As a healthcare provider, I can't even count the number of times that a patient has come in asking me for "a pill or a diet to make me lose weight". My answer is this: There is nothing that any healthcare provider can suggest or prescribe that will make you lose weight. Despite all of the fad diets and diet products that are out there (and there are plenty to choose from), nothing will make you lose weight.

You are the only one who can make weight loss happen. What it comes down to is simple; your weight is determined solely by the balance of the calories that you consume in food and fluids and the calories that you burn through activity and exercise. Your body requires a minimal amount of fuel, or calories, on a consistent basis in order to maintain life; calories consumed above and beyond this will either maintain your weight or result in weight gain, depending on your activity level.

We all want to believe in the claims made by the fad diet experts out there. Who amongst us has not tried the famous "Cabbage Soup Diet"? But in the end, it boils down to the fact that if you don't eat enough calories to maintain your weight, you will lose weight. If you eat a mere 750 calories/day on the Cabbage Soup Diet (or any fad diet, for that matter), you will lose weight. But you will also lose weight if all you consume is 750 calories/day worth of cookies. Science has proven that there are no magic foods or combinations of foods that accelerate the burning of fat.

Certain diet plans seem to work better for certain people; we've all tried the low-fat/high carbohydrate diets, and then the low carbohydrate/higher fat diets. Again, science has proven that weight is determined by the amount of calories taken in versus the amount of calories expended, regardless of where those calories come from. If your body requires 1500 calories/day in order to maintain your current weight, you can eat those calories in the form of protein, carbohydrates, or fats; you will maintain your weight if you do not exceed 1500 calories/day. Where the combination of foods does matter is when considering your health and the risks that obesity and certain diets have in the development of serious health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. A large percentage of medical and nutrition professionals will now encourage a diet that includes lean protein and complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain breads and pastas, vegetables, and certain fruits. The simple carbohydrates such as white bread and flour, sugar, pasta, potatoes should be avoided, as they turn to sugar rapidly and may contribute to insulin resistance and weight gain.

The key is to find the right balance of healthy foods that you can and will eat consistently in order to promote health and weight loss. We're back to you... You have to change your behavior and lifestyle in order to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. This is why the fads and "miracles" have so much appeal. As humans, we are always looking for an easy and painless way to solve our problems. The truth of the matter is that this battle can only be won through hard work and change on your part.

There is a place for diet aids, of course. Many people want or need a crutch or a little extra help when they are beginning to follow a healthy diet and exercise program. But how do you pick out a product that is safe to take and effective? How do you determine if the advertising is truth or hype? I am unable to take most over-the-counter weight loss aids due to side effects and high blood pressure, but have always been interested in herbal or natural products. Recently, Hoodia Gordonii has caught my attention. I have been reading a lot about the product, but it's not as simple as going out and purchasing it. There seems to be a lot of difference in the quality and quantity of the active ingredient. I have done a lot of research, and have ordered and received my first supply of the product, based on my research. I will begin taking it tomorrow, and will journal the experience, along with some of my research regarding what the product is, how it works, and how to purchase it. I will not mention the specific name of the company or product unless or until I feel that it is not hype. This supplement is not cheap, and I certainly don't want to be an advertisement for something unless I believe in it.

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