Hoodia - Use Nature's Power to Fight Obesity

Hoodia Gordonii, a natural substance, is reported to have powerful appetite suppresant properties. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2004, Hoodia has been drawing much attention as a possible weapon in the war against obesity. This blog will explore the science and studies behind these claims,what Hoodia is, where it comes from, how it is taken and tolerated, the expected results, and discuss Hoodia product buying tips.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Now is actually a good time to begin a weight loss and exercise program. Just think, this could be the first year that you get through the Holiday Season without gaining weight! Imagine how good you will feel about yourself to actually weigh-in on January 1st lighter than you are today! Think about purchasing and starting your Hoodia gordonii supplement now. You'll have a real jump-start on the New Year's Resolution this year! I just stocked up on enough to get me through the next 3 months.

One of the most common questions asked about Hoodia is "How much should I take?". This is an expensive product, so I can understand that people don't want to take more than they need. First of all, be sure that you are taking a quality supplement that contains only 100% pure, genuine Hoodia gordonii imported from South Africa. If you tried to save a few bucks and are taking one of the "fake" products that are being passed off as Hoodia, then you can not expect any results at all!

Begin with a low dose and monitor your results. Titrate the dose up gradually until you feel the results that you want. The effective dose for most people is between 2,250 and 3,000mg per day. I have had excellent results with 2250 mg/day; I take a 750 mg capsule three times/day before meals. On weekends I generally only take 2 capsules, because my schedule is different, and I still have good appetite-suppressant effects. Experiment with the dose and timing that works for you.

Some people feel the effects of Hoodia within a day or two, while others may not feel the effects until they have taken it consistently for several weeks. Be patient, and give it at least two weeks before you decide that it doesn’t work for you.

Remember, Hoodia will help you to eat less, but the food choices that you make are up to you. Don't forget that exercise is a crucial component to any weight-loss effort. It's your life, it's your body. Make the choices that will help you to live a happy, healthy life.

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