Hoodia - Use Nature's Power to Fight Obesity

Hoodia Gordonii, a natural substance, is reported to have powerful appetite suppresant properties. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2004, Hoodia has been drawing much attention as a possible weapon in the war against obesity. This blog will explore the science and studies behind these claims,what Hoodia is, where it comes from, how it is taken and tolerated, the expected results, and discuss Hoodia product buying tips.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I almost forgot to post this week's progress report! As of Monday morning, I had lost an additional 2.9 pounds, making the total 11.9 pounds since I began taking the Hoodia 2 weeks ago. I could have done better; I've been a little bit lazy about exercising this past week. I seem to be spending too much time sitting on my over-sized butt at this computer! My new plan is to get at the treadmill early in the day, before I get involved with other things. We'll see how that works out.

I'm still taking the same dose of Hoodia, and have had no problems with it, other than I am still feeling really thirsty. So far it seems like a winning strategy for me. I can't wait to be able to upload pictures of my "fat jeans", but I have to shrink out of them first! Besides, the sight of them would be too scary right now; I would rather wait to show them alongside of the normal size jeans that I will someday be wearing!!


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