Hoodia - Use Nature's Power to Fight Obesity

Hoodia Gordonii, a natural substance, is reported to have powerful appetite suppresant properties. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2004, Hoodia has been drawing much attention as a possible weapon in the war against obesity. This blog will explore the science and studies behind these claims,what Hoodia is, where it comes from, how it is taken and tolerated, the expected results, and discuss Hoodia product buying tips.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Some people try Hoodia and complain that it doesn't work. I've read countless comments on different message boards on the Internet from people saying things such as "Hoodia is useless", "Hoodia is a hoax and it doesn't work", and "Hoodia is garbage- a waste of money, don't buy it".
Chances are, these people are not taking 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii; they have most likely purchased one of the many impure, fake Hoodia products that are being marketed and sold as Hoodia.

Hopefully, you have researched Hoodia thoroughly and have spent the money to get the pure product; only pure Hoodia will have the appetite suppressing effects. Unless you are taking 100% pure Hoodia, you will not see the desired results and will end up like the many people who are saying that Hoodia does not work. So, if your Hoodia is not working for you, the first thing to do is to re-read some of my previous articles and be sure that the product you have chosen is pure Hoodia. The product that I am taking, Desert Burn Hoodia, is definitely having a very good appetite-suppressing effect. This brand of Hoodia has consistently been one of the top-rated products on the market, according to the research that I have done.

If you are reasonably sure that you are taking pure Hoodia, then there are a few other things that you may want to consider if you feel that it is not working:
  • Are you taking enough of the supplement? People who have the best success with Hoodia consistently take 3 grams (3000 mg.) of pure Hoodia each day; some people take more. Since Hoodia is so expensive, people tend to cut down on their dosages, trying to save money, and end up losing the appetite suppressing effects of the supplement. If you want to have good results with Hoodia, you must take it consistently, and you have to realize that it is a rare and expensive supplement. After you have experienced good results with Hoodia for a period of time, most sources suggest trying to cut down the dosage a bit; if you do this and lose the effects, you will have to increase it again; if you do OK, you will save money.
  • Hoodia Gordonii must be used in conjunction with dietary changes and an exercise program. Hoodia is not a miracle weight loss pill; it will not "melt away the pounds" while you sleep. It is not the solution to your weight problem, but it is an aid to help you follow a healthy diet and exercise program and to lose weight by suppressing your appetite and decreasing your desire to overeat.
  • You might have to experiment with the times at which you take Hoodia. Try taking it at those times of the day when you are most likely to overeat.
  • Realize that you may tend to overeat for reasons other than hunger. Before you reach for a snack, ask yourself "am I really hungry". If you are truly hungry, try eating a healthy snack. If you find that you are overeating for emotional reasons or out of boredom and are unable to stop this behaviour, you may want to get some help in dealing with emotional issues.
  • Some people have problems with absorbing and digesting the supplement in pill form. It might be helpful to try a tincture (oral solution) of pure Hoodia. Desert Burn also offers a tincture formulation.

Don't get discouraged if your weight loss seems to be "too slow". You didn't gain the excess weight overnight, and you cannot expect to lose it overnight. A slow, steady weight loss of 2-3 pounds each week is healthy and expected if you follow a reasonable diet and exercise program and incorporate Hoodia into the program to help prevent you from overeating.


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