Hoodia - Use Nature's Power to Fight Obesity

Hoodia Gordonii, a natural substance, is reported to have powerful appetite suppresant properties. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2004, Hoodia has been drawing much attention as a possible weapon in the war against obesity. This blog will explore the science and studies behind these claims,what Hoodia is, where it comes from, how it is taken and tolerated, the expected results, and discuss Hoodia product buying tips.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I have always been an "emotional eater". I overeat when I am happy, sad, angry, bored, depressed, stressed out...

This time of year, who isn't stressed?

Add to that the fact that there is food lying around everywhere, and you have a recipe for disaster! There are goodies at work, there are special holiday parties and events to attend, friends invite you to their homes to visit over the holidays. Before you know it, you've gained an extra 10-15 pounds. Make this the year that you either:
  • maintain your current weight over the holidays,
  • lose a few pounds between now and January 1st

  1. Choose 1 food to give up totally from now until January 1st (not vegetables, either!!!). I chose sugar, including all candy, cookies, cakes, deserts- all sweets. By committing to not eating a single Christmas cookie, I am saving myself a lot of unwanted and un-needed calories, not to mention avoiding the heartburn that is always sure to accompany overeating on sweets.
  2. Commit to exercise every day- even if it's just a quick 15 minutes on the treadmill before or after work. It's better than nothing.
  3. Be sure to plan out your meals. Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. You will be less likely to overeat if you are not starving.
  4. Have a healthy snack before going to a party or to friends' homes for the evening. A few nuts, some fruit, or wheat crackers with peanut butter or hummus are some of my favorites- just enough to take the edge off so that I can keep myself on track.
  5. Make smart choices. Don't deny yourself everything, however choose what you will indulge on carefully.
  6. Continue to keep your food journal. Writing down every bite that goes into your mouth somehow makes it easier to be reasonable!
  7. Remember that food will not relieve stress. Overeating will only add to your stress in the long run. You will feel better and have more energy if you continue to eat healthy and to exercise.
  8. DON'T FORGET TO CONTINUE TAKING YOUR HOODIA! I find that I am less inclined to overeat when I am taking the Hoodia faithfully and don't feel hungry. It may be your best defense against that 10-15 pound holiday weight gain. You sure will appreciate it come April, when the winter coats get put away!!!!

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Monday, November 19, 2007


Here is a quick and easy way to estimate the number of calories that your body needs in order to maintain your current weight; remember, this is an estimate.

For sedentary people: Weight x 14 = estimated cal/day to maintain current weight

For moderately active people: Weight x 17 = estimated cal/day to maintain current weight

For active people: Weight x 20 = estimated cal/day to maintain current weight

Note: Sedentary is defined as someone who does not engage in any formal/aerobic exercise at all. Moderately Active is defined as 3-4 (30 minute) aerobic sessions per week. Active is defined as 5-7 (30 minute)aerobic sessions per week.

If you consistently go over the needed amount of calories (energy) each day and you're not very active, you'll eventually gain weight. On the other hand, if you cut back the number of calories consumed each day, you will lose weight; weight loss will be faster yet if you add more exercise to your daily routine.

Every 3,500 calories adds up to a pound. If you cut back by 500 calories each day, you will have a "calorie deficit" of 3,500 calories, and you should lose about 1 pound per week. If you do nothing to change your eating habits but you exercise aerobically and burn off an extra 500 calories each day you should also lose approximately 1 pound per week. If you do both, you should lose 1.5 - 2 pounds each week. Your weight loss will vary from week to week, dependent on water retention (which is temporary) and replacing fat with muscle as you exercise (muscle weighs more than fat, however your clothes will fit better with muscle/lean body mass than if you weigh the same but your weight is fat).

Your best chances at being successful at weight loss and at maintaining your weight is to aim for a healthy weight loss goal of 1/2 to 2 pounds each week. It is not advised, nor is it healthy, to consume less than 1,200 calories per day; any less than this will not give your body the balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals that it needs.

Keep a food diary to help you to find ways that you can cut back those 500 calories each day. Many people simply switch to diet (artificially sweetened) pop, avoid juices, and use skim milk in coffee and cereal and find that they can eliminate a good number of calories. Little changes can add up to a lot. As I said in a previous post, it's important to keep a food journal, at least at first. I couldn't believe how many calories I could consume in little "bites, tastes, and sips". These small amounts do have calories, they do count, and they do add up! Try skim milk instead of 2% milk, light whole wheat bread instead of white, low-fat mayonnaise on sandwiches, or even mustard (which has 0 calories). Watch out for condiments such as ketchup, which has sugar, and therefore calories.

Decide on a few calorie-cutting strategies each week, and stick to them; make them a permanent part of your new, healthier lifestyle.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007


Now is actually a good time to begin a weight loss and exercise program. Just think, this could be the first year that you get through the Holiday Season without gaining weight! Imagine how good you will feel about yourself to actually weigh-in on January 1st lighter than you are today! Think about purchasing and starting your Hoodia gordonii supplement now. You'll have a real jump-start on the New Year's Resolution this year! I just stocked up on enough to get me through the next 3 months.

One of the most common questions asked about Hoodia is "How much should I take?". This is an expensive product, so I can understand that people don't want to take more than they need. First of all, be sure that you are taking a quality supplement that contains only 100% pure, genuine Hoodia gordonii imported from South Africa. If you tried to save a few bucks and are taking one of the "fake" products that are being passed off as Hoodia, then you can not expect any results at all!

Begin with a low dose and monitor your results. Titrate the dose up gradually until you feel the results that you want. The effective dose for most people is between 2,250 and 3,000mg per day. I have had excellent results with 2250 mg/day; I take a 750 mg capsule three times/day before meals. On weekends I generally only take 2 capsules, because my schedule is different, and I still have good appetite-suppressant effects. Experiment with the dose and timing that works for you.

Some people feel the effects of Hoodia within a day or two, while others may not feel the effects until they have taken it consistently for several weeks. Be patient, and give it at least two weeks before you decide that it doesn’t work for you.

Remember, Hoodia will help you to eat less, but the food choices that you make are up to you. Don't forget that exercise is a crucial component to any weight-loss effort. It's your life, it's your body. Make the choices that will help you to live a happy, healthy life.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007


This is one of the most common questions asked by those who are trying to lose weight. Although it is tempting to try to cut down to a very low calorie diet, it has been proven that this will not help you to lose weight any faster than if you follow the recommendations below. A very low calorie diet will actually cause your body's metabolism to slow down further, resulting in an even slower weight loss. Although we all would love to wake up next week at our goal weight, the reality is that you should aim for a loss of 1/2 pound to 2 pounds per week; this is the rate that is safest for your health.

Stick to a few simple strategies instead of becoming too bogged down with rules and restrictions of any particular diet:
  1. Identify how many calories you need to lose weight safely at your current weight; you will need to adjust this as you lose weight, as you will need fewer calories when you weigh less. Set a daily calorie goad and stick to it.
  2. Keep a food diary of all the food and beverages that you consume. This means all- "tastes" and "nibbles" have calories and should be counted. This will help you to track your progress and to spot problem areas. The food diary doesn't need to be elaborate; you can write it in a plain notebook if you want. It is not being graded; it is for your use as you develop new behavioral skills that will allow you to reach your goals. If you want a more elaborate diary, you can print one out from an online site. Don't treat the food diary as a "job", or else it will become one. The diary is meant to be a useful tool for you, not a tedious chore.
  3. Learn how to read and interpret nutrition labels on the foods that you buy and eat. Become familiar with the nutrient component of common foods as well as the recommended portion sizes.
  4. Reduce fat intake to <>
  5. Consume an adequate amount of lean protein each day. This will help to conserve lean body mass. A good rule of thumb is to eat a 3-4 oz. serving of protein with every meal; protein sources include lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish, low-fat dairy foods, legumes, and nuts. Vegetarians will need to plan their diets carefully so that they are getting enough protein.
  6. Drink plenty of water (10-12 glasses per day).
  7. Fill up on fruits and vegetables.
  8. Incorporate exercise into your weight loss plans. Increase physical activity slowly. If you have been very sedentary, simply walking from a further parking spot or taking a few extra flights of stairs is a good start.
Utilize a support system, whether it consists of friends, family, or even an online forum. You will find that people who care about and for you want you to be successful almost as much as you do!


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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Right now I want to eat something fattening. Maybe pizza... or chicken wings... or potato chips & dip. Whatever! I know that I could run out and pick something up, however I am choosing not to.
I want to lose weight much more than I want that snack.

As I sit here, I realize that I am experiencing an intense craving, and that is all it is. I accept these feelings for what they are. Cravings are uncomfortable feelings, but I know that they will soon pass and I will be able to pat myself on the back and be proud that I did not give in.

Pizza is not going to go away forever if I don't eat it tonight; this isn't my "last chance". I am not willing to throw away a full day of eating right and exercising for a greasy snack. I have done that so many times in the past, and all it did was make me lose my motivation and send me off on a binge. Today, my choice is to lose this weight, be healthier, feel better, like myself more, and live longer. My choice is not to indulge in a high-calorie snack at this time.

One of the things that I am working on is to get myself to the point where I am able to make healthy choices and to ward off cravings without too much difficulty. For now, it's one day at a time, and sometimes one moment at a time!

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Other than suppressing appetite and sometimes thirst, that is! When taking 100% pure, genuine South African Hoodia, it is important for dieters to be aware of their fluid intake. Taking Hoodia may decrease your thirst sensation, leading to dehydration. Strive for at least 10-12 glasses of water each day. Read about the importance of water to your health and to your weight loss efforts on this previous post.

Phytopharm Pharmaceuticals has been researching the supplement for years and the studies performed to date have not yielded a single warning or undesirable effect from Hoodia gordonii. It appears to be a very safe and effective supplement. Laboratory animals injected with purified P57, which is the active appetite-suppressing molecule in Hoodia, exhibited no toxic effects. Volunteers in Phytopharm's clinical studies reported no side effects, and private physicians who have monitored Hoodia users have not reported any toxicities.

The problem is that only pure Hoodia is safe and effective. If the product you purchase contains other ingredients (instead of or in addition to Hoodia) then it may be a totally different story. For example, many companies are combining Hoodia with green tea in order to cut down on the amount of Hoodia needed per dose (Hoodia is very expensive, as we know now). Green tea can be an effective appetite suppressant, however it contains the stimulant caffeine, which can cause headache, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate. These side effects are from the green tea alone, as Hoodia does not possess any stimulant properties.

If you are taking Hoodia and experience any of the above side effects, check the labelling of the supplement carefully. Chances are that it contains green tea or other natural stimulants in addition to (or instead of) pure Hoodia. Also, if you are taking a supplement that you think is Hoodia and it is not suppressing your appetite when taken at the recommended dosage, read the package carefully. Pure Hoodia gordonii from South Africa works, whereas products that do not contain this genus of Hoodia or that combine small amounts of it with other ingredients or fillers are a waste of your money, as they will not work.

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Monday, November 12, 2007


The way that Hoodia works is simple- the molecule P57, which is the active ingredient in the Hoodia gordonii succulent responsible for its appetite suppressant properties, imitates the effects that glucose has on the nerve cells in the brain. In other words, Hoodia tricks the brain into thinking that it is full when it's not. Results of clinical trials have showed a reduction in calorie consumption of up to 2000 calories per day as compared to placebo. When you are feeling full and satisfied, it is much easier to stick to a well-planned healthy diet than if you were constantly feeling hungry and deprived.

As with any appetite suppressant or weight loss plan, however, it is important to also understand how it will work for YOU in YOUR LIFE. Suppressing the appetite is the first step, but you still have to eat healthy, nourishing food to keep your body going.

In addition to making healthy food choices, exercise is a vital part of any successful weight-loss program. Set aside time each day for exercise; it can be going to the gym, playing with the kids, bicycling, resistance training with weights, or simply going for a brisk walk. It doesn't matter so much what you do as it does that you do it consistently.

One final thought- adjust your mindset to keep a "winner's attitude". Believe that you can be successful at losing weight and becoming healthier, and you will be well on your way.

Check out the previous posts on this blog for more information about Hoodia and how it works.


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So far, so good with avoiding all candy, cookies, cakes, and any other form of desert or concentrated sweet. I made it through Halloween, now I just have to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, The SuperBowl, and Valentines Day!!

My motivation is that I genuinely feel better when I am not eating sweets; sugar is definitely a trigger for me to throw all of my efforts out the window and to lose my momentum and motivation. A cookie today leads to a small piece of chocolate tomorrow, and then a doughnut or piece of cake a few days later... before I know it I will be totally out of control again. I will lose all motivation and will stop exercising. I will be overeating on the "good" foods again and I will be eating fast food. A few pieces of chocolate is not worth it to me.

If you are a compulsive overeater and have not identified any specific triggers for losing control, I suggest that you take some time, do some soul-searching, and think really hard about the foods that you eat when you are out of control and what seems to trigger you to eat them.

Now is a good time to re-gain your momentum and committment to eating healthy and losing weight. By doing so, you will avoid re-gaining the weight that you have lost. I am looking forward to starting a New Year without knowing that I gained 10 addtional pounds over the Holiday Season. This will be a first for me!

I have been taking my Desert Burn Hoodia faithfully. Although I cannot say that Hoodia takes away all cravings for chocolate and candy, what it does do is make me feel full; it causes me to forget about food so that I don't obsess about things that I "think" I want to eat. I think that this supplement is going to be a lifesaver throughout the Holidays.

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